Analisis Kemampuan Pemecahan Masalah pada Materi Aritmatika Sosial Siswa SMPT Al-Kautsar Berdasarkan Gender
Kata Kunci:
Problem-Solving Ability, Social Arithmetic, GenderAbstrak
This study aims to evaluate the problem-solving abilities of SMP SMPT Al-Kautsar students in social arithmetic based on gender. The method used is qualitative with the implementation of Polya's steps. Research procedures include surveys, interviews, respondent selection, and instrument validity testing. Data were collected through written tests and interviews and then analyzed descriptively using a quantitative approach. The results indicate differences in problem-solving abilities between male and female students. Male students tend to be less meticulous in understanding problems and planning solutions, while female students tend to be more meticulous and proficient in verbal skills. However, both male and female students are capable of executing problem-solving plans and checking solutions accurately.
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